
A public repository of some of the materials of the CISC320 Spring 2021 AlgoTutorBot Adventure

This project is maintained by acbart

In Lesson 16, students were directed to a special section of the Ohyay space that was modeled after my house. With spooky music playing and little context, they had to join together and explore the house to find me. Along the way, they find a video where I reveal that I have hidden some notes around the house that explain how they can determine the password to unlock the door to the basement. Basically, they have to execute a number of graph algorithms (e.g., Prim’s, Djikstra’s) using the house’s rooms as a graph of vertices and edges. A walkthrough of the adventure can be found here.

Here is the message they were originally shown when they loaded the assignment:

Hello students,

I have been unable to find Dr. Bart. He has retreated further into the house and sealed the basement behind him with five passwords.

I require your assistance.

As you navigate the house, you will eventually find an access code. Use the access code to unlock this quiz, which will then allow you input 5 passwords to unlock the sealed basement. When you submit the quiz, you will be expected to also submit the work you did to get to the answer. You must show how you got the answers, not just submit the answers. I recommend having a piece of paper or two to work on, and then scanning that paper. I must learn all of Dr. Bart’s secrets.

I will be in the house, ready to help you if you have any problems.

Please navigate to the house now. (LINK)

I look forward to watching you.


The video below is a walkthrough of the house adventure.